Oracy Australia Association Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation promoting the assessment of oral communication skills for all levels and all ages. Our emphasis is on spoken English as a practical and enjoyable life skill. Effective oral communication is fundamental to the development of the whole person. Our oral assessments focus on the student as both an effective speaker and active and respectful listener, and the sharing of knowledge and ideas to achieve the following outcomes:
- Use of clear and vigorous spoken language in a variety of oral communication situations
- Active, critical listening skills
- Ability to research, structure, organise and communicate source material to an audience
- Discrimination in the choice of subject matter
- Use of visual aids
- Authority, confidence, sincerity and spontaneity in addressing others
- Ability to interpret, rehearse and communicate a variety of factual and imaginative writing
- Verbal and non-verbal communication techniques
- Ability to work to time limits
- Group interaction and discussion
“Oral language is the medium we use to make friends, earn a living and become participating members of the community. It is through speech that we assimilate the thoughts and opinions, ideas, emotions, humour, wisdom, common-sense, even moral and spiritual values of those around us and it is through perceptive listening and courteous speaking that we move towards breaking down social, professional and racial barriers."
Christabel Burniston MBE, Founder ESB International Ltd
Inaugural Patron Oracy Australia
Oracy Australia Association Inc. is a non-profit organisation promoting the assessment of oral communication skills for all levels and all ages. Our emphasis is on spoken English as a practical and enjoyable life skill. Effective oral communication is fundamental to the development of the whole person. Our assessments focus on the student as both an effective speaker and active and respectful listener, and the sharing of knowledge and ideas to achieve the following outcomes:
- Use of clear and vigorous spoken language in a variety of oral communication situations
- Active, critical listening skills
- Discrimination in the choice of subject matter
- Ability to research, structure, organise and communicate source material to an audience
- Use of visual aids
- Authority, confidence, sincerity and spontaneity in addressing others
- Ability to interpret, rehearse and communicate a variety of factual and imaginative writing
- Verbal and non-verbal communication techniques
- Ability to work to time limits
- Group interaction and discussion
“Oral language is the medium we use to make friends, earn a living and become participating members of the community. It is through speech that we assimilate the thoughts and opinions, ideas, emotions, humour, wisdom, common-sense, even moral and spiritual values of those around us and it is through preceptive listening and courteous speaking that we move towards breaking down social, professional and racial barriers."
Christabel Burniston MBE, Founder ESB International Ltd
Inaugural Patron ORACY Australia
Oracy Australia Association Inc. is a non-profit organisation promoting the assessment of oral communication skills for all levels and all ages. Our emphasis is on spoken English as a practical and enjoyable life skill. Effective oral communication is fundamental to the development of the whole person. Our assessments focus on the student as both an effective speaker and active and respectful listener, and the sharing of knowledge and ideas to achieve the following outcomes:
- Use of clear and vigorous spoken language in a variety of oral communication situations
- Active, critical listening skills
- Discrimination in the choice of subject matter
- Ability to research, structure, organise and communicate source material to an audience
- Use of visual aids
- Authority, confidence, sincerity and spontaneity in addressing others
- Ability to interpret, rehearse and communicate a variety of factual and imaginative writing
- Verbal and non-verbal communication techniques
- Ability to work to time limits
- Group interaction and discussion
“Oral language is the medium we use to make friends, earn a living and become participating members of the community. It is through speech that we assimilate the thoughts and opinions, ideas, emotions, humour, wisdom, common-sense, even moral and spiritual values of those around us and it is through preceptive listening and courteous speaking that we move towards breaking down social, professional and racial barriers."
Christabel Burniston MBE, Founder ESB International Ltd
Inaugural Patron ORACY Australia