
Why should a Western Australian teacher use the Oracy Australia program?


Oracy Australia provides teachers with an oral speaking assessment for students in a formal setting. Programs are designed so they are suitable for different age groups in terms of both content and expectations. Teachers are provided with a detailed, formal assessment rubric that can be helpful when completing reports for the Speaking and Listening strand of the Western Australian English Curriculum within the scope of Language for interaction.


My school has never participated in an Oracy Australia assessment before. Do you provide any induction for teachers?


Oracy provides a range of information and tools to teachers to assist them in preparing their students for an Oracy assessment. Oracy also holds two assessor moderation sessions each year. Teachers are welcome to attend to see an assessment in progress and hear assessors discuss the evaluation process.


What is the maximum number of students that can be assessed in one hour?


Oracy Australia expects to conduct 5 junior school assessments or 4 senior school assessments per hour. Our charges are based on teachers having set up their classrooms as required so that assessments can begin promptly.


What kinds of visuals can students use?


Slides on an interactive board are very well used but bringing in an object, costume, ingredients/materials to demonstrate a procedure, book or chart are also used.


How many students can be in the audience?


At least 6 to 10 students make an ideal group for participation during the discussion. It is preferable not to have the whole class sit through the entire day, especially the junior students, as they can lose concentration and become restless.


For which semester should our school book an Oracy Australia assessment?


Oracy Australia assessments can be undertaken at any time throughout the year. Many schools like to book assessments for the second semester as this can represent a summative appraisal of oracy that can be used in Semester 2 school reports. Other schools prefer to book their assessments for the first semester so that not only can the information be included in the Semester 1 reports, students also have the benefit of building on their oracy skills throughout the rest of the academic year. Schools and teachers can benefit from using the Oracy Australia report feedback in Semester 1 to set curriculum priorities for Semester 2 and learning goals with their students, as well as to prepare them for any public speaking or debating competitions throughout the rest of the year.